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How To Grow Honeyvine Milkweed To Attract Monarch Butterflies


Monarch butterflies are one of the most iconic and beloved insects in North America. These beautiful creatures migrate thousands of miles each year, and they rely on milkweed plants to survive. Honeyvine milkweed is a type of milkweed that is native to the southeastern United States. It is a fast-growing vine that can reach up to 15 feet in length. Honeyvine milkweed is a favorite of monarch butterflies, and it is a great way to attract these amazing creatures to your garden.

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Growing Honeyvine Milkweed

Honeyvine milkweed is relatively easy to grow. It can be planted in the ground or in a container. If you are planting in the ground, choose a sunny spot with well-drained soil. If you are planting in a container, use a potting mix that is specifically designed for milkweed plants.

Honeyvine milkweed can be planted in the spring or fall. If you are planting in the spring, wait until the danger of frost has passed. If you are planting in the fall, plant the seeds at least six weeks before the first frost.

Honeyvine milkweed seeds need to be scarified before they will germinate. Scarification is the process of breaking the seed coat so that the seed can absorb water. You can scarify honeyvine milkweed seeds by rubbing them with sandpaper or by soaking them in hot water for 24 hours.

After the seeds have been scarified, plant them in the soil about 1/2 inch deep. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy. The seeds should germinate in about two weeks.

Caring for Honeyvine Milkweed

Honeyvine milkweed is a low-maintenance plant. Once it is established, it does not need a lot of care. Water the plant regularly, especially during hot, dry weather. You may need to fertilize the plant once a year with a balanced fertilizer.

Honeyvine milkweed is a deer-resistant plant, so you do not need to worry about deer eating it. However, you may need to protect the plant from other pests, such as caterpillars and slugs.

Attracting Monarch Butterflies

Honeyvine milkweed is a favorite food of monarch butterflies. The female monarch butterflies will lay their eggs on the leaves of honeyvine milkweed. The caterpillars will then hatch and feed on the leaves. The caterpillars will pupate on the plant, and the adult butterflies will emerge.

You can attract monarch butterflies to your garden by planting honeyvine milkweed. You can also plant other types of milkweed plants, such as common milkweed, swamp milkweed, and butterfly weed. You can also provide the butterflies with a source of water, such as a birdbath or a shallow dish of water.


Honeyvine milkweed is a beautiful and easy-to-grow plant that is a great way to attract monarch butterflies to your garden. By following these simple tips, you can help to ensure that these amazing creatures have a safe place to live and thrive.

Visit Garden Wiki for more information about honeyvine milkweed.

FAQ of honeyvine milkweed

  • What is honeyvine milkweed?

Honeyvine milkweed (Asclepias syriaca var. speciosa) is a fast-growing, twining vine native to the eastern and central United States. It is a popular choice for butterfly gardens because it is the host plant for monarch butterflies.

  • How do I grow honeyvine milkweed?

Honeyvine milkweed can be grown from seed or from cuttings. If you are starting from seed, sow the seeds in the fall or early spring. The seeds need to be cold-treated for at least 30 days before they will germinate. If you are starting from cuttings, take 4-6 inch cuttings in the spring or fall and root them in a moist potting mix.

  • Where should I plant honeyvine milkweed?

Honeyvine milkweed prefers full sun and well-drained soil. It can be planted in a garden bed, in a container, or even on a fence or trellis.

  • How do I care for honeyvine milkweed?

Honeyvine milkweed is relatively easy to care for. Water it regularly, especially during the first year. Fertilize it once a year in the spring with a balanced fertilizer. Honeyvine milkweed is a deer-resistant plant, but it may be susceptible to some pests and diseases.

  • What are the benefits of honeyvine milkweed?

Honeyvine milkweed is a valuable plant for both butterflies and humans. It is the host plant for monarch butterflies, which are an important part of the ecosystem. Honeyvine milkweed also produces nectar, which attracts other pollinators such as bees and hummingbirds. The leaves and roots of honeyvine milkweed can be used to make medicinal tea.

Image of honeyvine milkweed

  • Image 1: A close-up of a honeyvine milkweed flower, showing the bright orange petals and yellow center.
  • Image 2: A cluster of honeyvine milkweed flowers, growing on a vine.
  • Image 3: A honeyvine milkweed plant, showing the long, thin leaves and the vine that it grows on.
  • Image 4: A honeyvine milkweed seed pod, showing the brown pods that contain the seeds.
  • Image 5: A honeyvine milkweed plant in bloom, surrounded by butterflies.
  • Image 6: A honeyvine milkweed plant in its native habitat, growing in a field.
  • Image 7: A honeyvine milkweed plant being pollinated by a bee.
  • Image 8: A close-up of a honeyvine milkweed leaf, showing the serrated edges.
  • Image 9: A honeyvine milkweed plant in the fall, after the flowers have died.
  • Image 10: A honeyvine milkweed seed pod, showing the seeds that have been released.

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